Spotify Lyrics Not Showing? 14 Ways to Fix It

spotify lyrics not showing

Spotify has become a go-to platform for music enthusiasts worldwide. With its vast library of songs, it’s no surprise that users occasionally encounter problems. One such issue is “Spotify Lyrics Not Showing.” In this article, we will explore common causes, troubleshooting steps, and insights into resolving this problem. Whether you’re a seasoned Spotify user or new to the platform, this guide will help you enjoy your music to the fullest.

Table of Contents

    How to Enable Spotify Lyrics

    Assuming your issue is not related to the above causes, you may need to enable the lyrics feature within the Spotify app. Follow these steps:

    1. Open Spotify: Launch the Spotify app on your device.
    2. Select a Song: Choose a song to play.
    3. Swipe Up: Swipe up on the playback screen to reveal the lyrics section. If lyrics are available for the song, they should appear here.
    4. Enjoy the Lyrics: Sing along to your favorite songs with the displayed lyrics.

    Possible Causes why Spotify lyrics not Showing:

    1. Why Aren’t Lyrics Showing on Spotify?

    So, why do Spotify lyrics sometimes go missing? There are several reasons, and we’ll explore them one by one. It could be a regional issue, a device-specific problem, or a matter of outdated software.

    2. Is it a Regional Restriction?

    Spotify’s vast library can sometimes have limitations based on your region. Licensing agreements with music labels may prevent lyrics from showing in certain areas. To check if this is the case, try searching for songs that are known to have lyrics available.

    3. The Device Dilemma: Mobile vs. Desktop

    Are you using Spotify on your mobile device or desktop? The platform might behave differently on these devices. On mobile, you may need to tap on the ‘Lyrics’ button to make them appear, while on the desktop version, they might show automatically.

    4. Software Updates: A Possible Solution

    Outdated software can often lead to glitches in apps. Make sure both the Spotify app and your device’s operating system are up to date. This simple step could resolve the issue.

    5. Offline Mode: A Lyric Limiter

    If you’re using Spotify in offline mode, lyrics may not be available. That’s because they often require an active internet connection. Consider switching to online mode to see the lyrics.

    6. Logging Out and Back In: A Quick Fix

    Sometimes, a simple action can solve the problem. Logging out of your Spotify account and then logging back in can refresh the app’s settings and make lyrics appear.

    7. Lyrics from 3rd Party Apps

    If you’re not getting lyrics on Spotify itself, you can explore third-party apps that provide lyrics for your songs. Apps like Musixmatch can integrate with Spotify and display lyrics as you listen.

    8. Make Spotify Premium Your Pal

    Spotify Premium subscribers have additional benefits, including lyrics display. Upgrading to Premium might be the solution to your lyrics not showing issue.

    9. Internet Connection Woes

    A poor internet connection can also affect the availability of lyrics. Make sure you have a stable connection to enjoy uninterrupted lyric displays.

    10. The Curse of Older Songs

    Some older songs may not have lyrics available on Spotify, as the platform’s database may not include them. Try searching for more recent tracks to see if the issue persists.

    11. Lyrics and Licensing

    Spotify has to adhere to licensing agreements with music publishers. Sometimes, the absence of lyrics is due to licensing restrictions. Understanding this can help you cope with the situation.

    12. The Power of Community

    Spotify users often come to the rescue of fellow music enthusiasts. Check out Spotify community forums or Reddit groups to see if others have found solutions to the lyrics not showing problem.

    13. Customize Your Lyrics Experience

    Spotify allows you to customize your lyrics experience. You can change the font, language, and other settings related to lyrics. Make sure your settings are configured to show lyrics.

    14. Is Spotify Doing Anything About It?

    Spotify is constantly working to improve the user experience. Stay updated on the latest app versions and announcements to see if they have addressed the lyrics issue.

    Alternatives to Spotify Lyrics

    If you find that Spotify lyrics not showing your expectations, consider using alternative apps or websites to access lyrics for your favorite songs. Some popular options include Musixmatch and Genius.


    Why are lyrics not showing on Spotify?

    Lyrics may not show due to regional restrictions, outdated software, or device-specific settings. Exploring these aspects can help you find a solution.

    How can I make lyrics appear on Spotify?

    Update your app and operating system, ensure a stable internet connection, and consider using Spotify Premium. You can also explore third-party apps for lyrics.

    Are there any songs that never have lyrics on Spotify?

    Some older or lesser-known songs may not have lyrics available on Spotify. It depends on the platform’s database and licensing agreements.

    Can I change the appearance of lyrics on Spotify?

    Yes, you can customize the font, language, and other settings related to lyrics in the Spotify app.

    Is there a way to contact Spotify for lyrics-related issues?

    Spotify’s community forums and support channels are great places to seek help with lyrics not showing problems.


    In conclusion, the frustration of Spotify lyrics not showing can be alleviated by understanding the potential reasons behind it. Whether it’s due to regional restrictions, device-specific settings, or outdated software, there are ways to address the issue and enhance your Spotify experience. By exploring solutions like third-party apps, upgrading to Premium, and staying connected, you can enjoy the lyrics of your favorite songs seamlessly.

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