How To See Top Artists on Spotify?

how to see tops artists on spotify

Are you a music enthusiast and a loyal Spotify user? If so, you’re in for a treat! Allow you to see top artists on spotify, providing you with a glimpse of your musical journey. Whether you prefer using the Spotify website, mobile app, or iOS, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to discover your favorite artists, share some tips, and answer common questions about this feature.

Table of Contents

    How To See Top Artists on Spotify?

    Spotify’s Top Artists feature offers a fantastic way to revisit your musical preferences and relive your favorite tracks. Depending on your choice of platform, here’s how you can access this feature:

    On the Website

    To see top artists on Spotify website, follow these simple steps:

    1. Visit Spotify: Open your web browser and go to the official Spotify website.
    2. Log In: Sign in to your Spotify account if you’re not already logged in.
    3. Your Library: Click on “Your Library” in the left-hand menu.
    4. Top Artists: Scroll down and find the “Your Library” section. You’ll see the “Top Artists” option. Click on it.
    5. Explore Your Favorites: Now you can explore your top artists, listen to their tracks, and relive the musical moments.

    On the Mobile App

    If you prefer using the Spotify mobile app, here’s how you can discover your top artists:

    1. Open the App: Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.
    2. Log In: Log in to your Spotify account.
    3. Library: Tap on “Library” at the bottom of the screen.
    4. Top Artists: Scroll down to find the “Top Artists” option in the Library section and tap on it.
    5. Discover and Enjoy: Dive into your favorite artists’ music and enjoy their tracks.

    On iOS

    For iOS users, the process is quite similar to using the mobile app:

    1. Open the App: Launch the Spotify iOS app on your device.
    2. Log In: Sign in to your Spotify account.
    3. Library: Tap on “Library” located at the bottom of the screen.
    4. Top Artists: Scroll down and locate “Top Artists” in the Library section, and tap on it.
    5. Enjoy Your Music: Explore your top artists and enjoy their music.

    Why It’s Exciting to Know Your Top Artists

    Discovering your top artists on Spotify is not just about satisfying your curiosity; it’s also about enhancing your music experience. When you know who your top artists are, you can:

    • Create personalized playlists featuring their songs.
    • Attend concerts and shows of your favorite artists.
    • Share your musical tastes with friends and discover common interests.

    What Your Top Artists Say About Your Music Taste

    Your top artists are a reflection of your musical preferences. If your list includes a variety of genres and artists, it showcases your diverse taste. On the other hand, if you have a few top artists dominating the list, it indicates your strong affinity towards a specific style.

    The Joy of Sharing Your Top Artists

    Sharing your top artists with friends can be a great conversation starter. It might lead to discovering new tracks and artists that you hadn’t heard of before. It’s a fun way to connect with others over the universal language of music.

    Comparing Your Top Artists Over Time

    Spotify doesn’t just show your current top artists; it also lets you compare your top artists over different time periods. This feature allows you to see how your music preferences have evolved over the years.

    Unveiling New Artists Through Your Top List

    When you know your top artists, Spotify uses this information to recommend new artists to you. You might discover hidden gems that you would have otherwise missed.


    How often does Spotify update my top artists list?

    Spotify usually updates your top artists list every four weeks. This allows you to stay up to date with your current listening habits and evolving musical tastes.

    Can I share my top artists with friends on social media?

    Yes, you can! Spotify makes it easy to share your top artists on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Simply select the “Share” option and choose your preferred platform.

    What if I don’t see the “Top Artists” option in my Library?

    If you can’t find the “Top Artists” option in your Library, it’s possible that you haven’t listened to enough music for Spotify to generate a list. Keep enjoying music, and your top artists will eventually appear.

    Is this feature available to Spotify Free users?

    Yes, Spotify’s top artists feature is available to both Free and Premium users, so everyone can enjoy it.

    Can I view my top artists from previous years?

    Spotify offers a “Wrapped” feature at the end of each year, where you can see your listening statistics, including your top artists from that year.

    How can I remove artists from my top artists list?

    Unfortunately, you cannot manually remove artists from your top artists list. It’s based on your listening habits. However, your list will automatically update over time.


    Exploring to see top artists on Spotify through the website, app, or iOS is an exciting way to connect with your favorite music and artists. By following the simple steps provided for each platform, you can dive into the world of music and rediscover your cherished tracks. Whether you’re an avid music lover or just curious about your listening habits, Spotify’s top artists feature offers an engaging experience for everyone.

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